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Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Let's get our asses moving

> http://tickertapeblurs.livejournal.com

don't find me, you'll lose me eventually.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
There, I'm a strong woman

I hate updating this stupid old junkie. Am just very sick of this blog, okay or maybe it's just me being my lazy ol self. Lots been getting to me lately, I can't seem to sort my emotions or feelings or whatever you call it, straight. There are things, I can't really comprehend and it just makes life that little difficult. Tonight's getting a little emo. It's 0245 and many people and things are running through my mind. I just finished reading her blog after what seemed like an eternity. Mixed emotions are really on the let loose, suddenly it was as though what I wanted wasn't there, at all. I can't get a grasp of anything, I'm letting my mind take full control. Tears keep falling like what not and I keep telling myself, holy cow Jieping what are you doing, but somehow the answers are far from what you would expect. Today those words they just slipped out of my mouth that way, I never did imagine it to happen. I was just never cautious enough.

Tonight I hang onto the pictures of you and her,
and I ask myself 'why does it concern you'.
You call her an ignorant child.
Those images keep flashing and please tell me they're not for real.
God, I don't know what's happening.

Don't let me pick up from where you left off.

Friday, August 17, 2007
The way the story goes

Bestfriend's birthday last Saturday. It was nothing but total awesomeness. Met the love at Horizon Towers and we cabbed over to Sab's place and she and Rynel put up a superb dinner for the ladies.(: Oh and the cake was simply gorgeous although I don't really know how to appreciate oats! HAHA.

Oh and we hailed a London cab and the uncle was nice enough as to fetch us all the way to clarke quay! We had a nice chat with him too! Caught some fireworks before we went to Barfly for some drinks. Rounds and rounds of never ending martinis and laughters. Saw the long lost mr nice manager from Creative Roy Tan and not forgetting Ashid, heh. (Oh we did not drink until we were high)

Gmax was the highlight! Took the reverse bungy with the love and we did not scream at the top of our lungs. HAHA lost my voice the next day and now I've got throat problems again. HEH.

Happy 18 bestfriend(:

I've seen the lights that went by,
I counted them
One of which was flickering,
a couple already died down.

As the cab comes to a stop at the junction,
I took a deep breath,
slightly enough to wash away all that memories.
My eyes were still shut.

Tear drops accompanied as I exhaled,
as I continued breathing at a normal rate
as I look out of the window,
for the second time.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
And if i fall through these days that go by without cause

Saturday and Sunday trainings were bad because on both days we wanted to go out to the Merlion but in the end we failed to do so because of the heavy rain. Rowing in the rain is definitely not a wise idea because I just got a high fever ytd. Okay maybe it wasn't the rain's fault. But what the heck.

Projects: Finally done and over with and I could never be so so so glad. Currently putting my heart into studying for my final exams, which, I really hope to score because this semester's been an awful one, with the constant skipping of lessons and low attendance letters received.

Met up with the sec school girls which I haven't seen them in tens of thousands of years. We kind of caught up with one another on our lives and all, and this saturday we're having some potluck session over at Sabrina's. Michelle got herself a new puppy again(:

This evening saw me at Ngee Ann's swimming pool, yes like finally I'm down in the waters. I realise that if you hadn't swam for a long time, the whole thing just kind of get you and it felt weird. Like, I couldn't breathe properly and ended up doing one less set of 100 IM. I was lucky and got away for today because coach wasn't here. But 8x50 wasn't that bad and I was pacing Nicole and (trying to pace with) Stewart but he's damn fast.

There's a German test tmr and a German presentation and I hadn't done anything yet. I think I'm so going to be screwed.

Tons to do, including getting names for the Fuji Xerox open waters swim, clock my running mileage for StanChart, study for my final exams and prepare for SAVA in Sept.

Holidays that's what I'm looking forward to(:

Monday, July 23, 2007
Suo yi

She wished nothing had happened

Daddy drove me down to Kallang on Saturday cos it was pouring. Was the first to reach in my so many trainings but Travis beat me a little and he was playing with the dog. Got the chance to pace today with Tommy, Dern and Ding but I swear it didn't seem that easy when sitting at non-pacers seat. Ding was sitting at the front and it was more difficult cos it seemed like the front was much lower. But nonetheless I still tried my best. Training wasn't that tough (thank God). We did race starts and I think our race starts weren't that bad!

Headed to Marina for lunch then to Expo to work for some event. It was some company called Herbalife and it their party was really adorable - it was a pajamas party! Did behind bar and it was hectic. Legs were hurting and all oh so boring. We started tearing down at about 11ish all the way to 2.30am in the morning. I swear it was so irritating. Cabbed home with PY in the pouring rain and fell asleep. Long cab rides in the rain is love! Only reached home at 3ish.

Woke up at 6 the next morning and Daddy drove me down to Bedok while I slept at the back. Met Dern and Michelle and walked all the way in to TP's track. We didn't get to join the competitive runners start but we kinda went on our own. This year's Mizuno Wave Run was the first I ever joined and honestly, it didn't seem as well organised and all. There were no markings of the distance or markings of which way to run. It was chaos. So I ended up running 2 rounds around Bedok reservoir, which is a good thing because some marshal guy almost made me run around the school. Then somebody told us to just run another round round the reservoir. It was a good run I felt cos it didn't seem as tiring as running campus.

Showered over at Michelle's before Dern and I left for lunch at Suntec. Our legs were giving way alr (do you feel us?) but then we still managed to walk all the way to Bugis Street from Suntec, aren't we something?(:

Captain's ball today, I can't wait. But my legs are still gonna give way soon I think. HEH.

I don't wanna lose any bit of this,
not even a teeny weeny bit.
Clear lines have been drawn
ever since the day he walked out of my life.

Could you give me this chance,
to make it all up.

Monday, July 16, 2007
A past so deep, that even you could not bury if you tried

That I loved you more

School is fucked these days. Company is love. Met up with the long lost SC folks at Sentosa on Saturday for some recce shit for the Interactive Day 2007. Oh the recce was helluva boring man. Haha. Headed over to the tram there and waited for AhDern and Stanley but I saw Xiaoyan! Haven't really talked to her in ages!

Headed over to Tanjong and went out on OC1 that day. It was a really good training cos Ding taught us how to read tides, waves, undercurrent, the weather and what nots. Good thing I didn't capsize today cos the weather was bad. It was dark and drizzly that day.

After a few more rounds out on OC1, showered and had lunch Koufu before we went back to Vivo.

Sunday saw us having training at Kallang and I was super late. But Ding was nice and left the key somewhere for me to keep my precious bag and my laptop. Headed out to the waters after that and it was a couple of rounds round the basin doing stroke pauses and stroke checks.

Then we went onto the beach and did more stroke corrections before we headed to Sheares Bridge and off back to Cosy Bay. Wasn't a good piece cos the boat didn't feel as if it was moving. Or rather, it did only when Ding called for power 10. If not, it was only 90 on my part. >): Lunch-ed at Suntec again but it was great, Dern Stanley Ding Travis and I squeezed cosily on one table(:

Harry Potter wasn't THAT fantastic, in fact, it was like quite boring and the WOW factor's like GONE. Oh well.

Company was love.

Sunday, July 08, 2007
The insects so lucky

070707! OC open house was held at Tanjong Beach today and there was quite a number of turnups despite of the heavy pour early in the morning. Michelle and I cancelled our perfect tanning plans and she didn't even turn up for the day! Oh well, met up with Ben, Stanley, Weizheng and Ah Dern and we went for lunch at Kou Fu! (Oh and I beat BEN LIM at chopsticks yet again!) OWNAGE. Went to the shed early and helped with the food. Wz's maid made sandwiches again and that was damn nice of her. There were Rina's beehoon and fruits too!

Ding the man taught us a few strokes and then off we went! 5 of us plus Travis we took the oc6 out for some warm ups and for myself to get a hang of it! Ding was laughing his ass away when 1. I took the steering paddle, 2. I forgot to change to right paddle from left and 3. I couldn't change in time. So much for his 'team spirit'. Then we tried to switch seats too. I had problems going up the oc!): After a few more rounds, more oc1s were taken out, and the oc2 was brought out as well.

I got to paddle the oc2 with Ding! We raced with Ben and Andy who were on oc1s. We gave them a good handicap before we started and Mr Lim still think he won us. HAHAHAHA. Should have heard what Ding said about him, you could have died laughing. Went back to the shed and there was free food! Supped beehoon and a lot of drinks then we went out again. I took the oc1 this time and I thought it was quite okay, and very fun paddling out alone! Then I was wrong, I was actually going to make a right turn, then I paddled on my right, and I stepped the foot paddle on the right too! And the boat shifted and before I knew it I was drinking sentosa's water. NEHNEH, I was struggling to get onto the boat before Faizal shouted at me to go up from another side. GOODGAME.

After that we just slacked and played soccer/vollyball with Ah Dern and took a lot of pictures! Headed to Vivo kopitiam for dinner and then we had awesome chatting sessions, plus Ben and Jerry's!

Let's forget the world.